Please click here to watch SSG CMS Video Demo on youtube(Part one)
Please click here to watch SSG CMS Video Demo on youtube(Part two)


Product Name: Prison Central Monitoring Station   

Name: Prison Central Monitoring Station Model: SSG-PCMS 
Attestation: CCC Type: Prison Central Monitoring Station 

Part 1: Prison Central Monitoring Station (CMS)

Shenzhen Security Group (SSG) can provide SSG central monitoring core software, professional security servers, intelligent card. Equipments like monitors, you can buy it from your local area. Our CMS can setup clients, Signal from chief tower, and sub-tower can be transmitted to the CMS by wired connection. Our CMS can recognize: which zone is alarming, who need help immediately. With our TTS module and TTS voice card. the related emergency information will be broadcasted by speaker. ?

Part 2: Terminals.

Each prison guard will be armed by a wireless high power transmitter. Once the prison guard send a signal for help, the sub-tower will transmit signal to the chief tower, the siren in chief tower will give a loud sound. Speaker can be installed in both sub-tower and chief tower. Of course, you can shut off any speaker as your wish. There is a "big button" in the wireless high power transmitter, buttons like 1 to 9 are "small button" These numbers can indicate which zone have emergency. Once prison guard press the button, the speakers in tower will broadcast.

Default method to alarm: Easy operation, prison guard just need to push one button, it can report alarm zone to CMS directly. For example, 4 is the number of kitchen, when i find there is a fire, i just need to push button 4. Speaker will broadcast the emergency, the related staff will come and help you in time.

Optional method to alarm: Number+ confirm button.

If the prison is so big that prison guard trigger a false alarm from time to time. You can chose this method to alarm. For example, there are 38 zones in prison, we can send a signal by pressing like that: 3+8+confirm button. However, there is an exception as follows:

If there is an emergency, prison guard is being attacked by prisoners, he don¡ät have time to push confirm button, what should he do? In fact, our transmitter will send the signal out by itself after 8 second interval. Button "C" can be used to delete false input.

There is rule in our transmitter, if you press one button, no matter it is a number, or button " C", The help signal will be sent out. Of course, if you button "C" again, the former "C" will be delete. Because different purchasers have different requirements, so the explanation above is just for reference.In order to protect intellectual property, the detailed operation will be different. ?

Part 3: Chief launching tower SA-1168-T3

This is the core of the whole system. All the signal will be managed by this tower. Each prison get only one chief tower in total, however, we tend to install several sub-tower to assist chief tower, so that the signal transmitting range can cover the whole area of prison.We will make specific solution for different prison.

Please install chief antenna at the top of the prison area.So that it will not be blocked by buildings. All alarms received will be sent to CMS server. We should install one to four speakers in the chief tower, so that the alarm information will be broadcasted.

Notice: The launching tower we name is not a real tower, we just want to make purchaser know it better. In fact, it is a high power signal receiver with a built-in CPU and motherboard and a long antenna with a 20 meters high. In this antenna, there is an amplifier with thunder proof function. The signal receiver will be installed indoor, and antenna will be installed outside. Furthermore, antenna is made of coaxial-cable, it get a sensitive signal receiving ability. ? ???

Part 4: Sub-launching tower SA-1168-ZT3?

In order to make the signal transmitting distance cover the whole monitoring area or broadcast alarm information in different places. We will install some sub-launching tower. Sub-lunching tower don¡ät communicate with each other. It only communicate with chief launching tower.

Sub-tower should be installed at the top of the subarea. You can install a speaker or no speaker with it. In fact, chief launching tower gets a same working principle as sub-tower. There is some different in communication method and production cost.

Some times we connect sub-tower with CMS by Internet, so that CMS can activate the speaker and make it sound. Some times we use wireless signal to activate speaker.


Part 5: prison zones are connected by prison in-house network.

The equipment we use is SA-1168-N18, it is a module which is installed in control panel of launching tower

Part 6: tweeter

It will be installed in chief /sub tower, you can install 1 to 4 speaker as your wish. Normally, one speaker is enough. Each amplifier can support maximum 4 speaker in total. During alarm, the tweeter will work like that, it will give a high db sound for 5 seconds, then it will broadcast voice record like that:" zone 4, prison guard Charles, alarm.
Recommend: Normally, we recommend our client to install 2 to 5 sub-towers in total, it can cover the whole area completely. The transmitting radius of sub-tower is nearly 2 KM.

All the CMS introductions below is based on 23 function modules from our CMS.

In order to let buyer with different background to know our CMS deeply, we make two CMS introductions, one for buyer with professional security background, the other is for average buyer. Both of them get the same meanings.

Function branches of SSG CMS involves knowledge from city information security to client security management, each function can be used in its application, with 23 modules, SSG CMS can bring a lot of business opportunities to the buyer. All in all, it is a wonderful tool to promote buyer´s business, SSG CMS will bring you a prosperity in career 100%.

With the coming of digital information times, the old solution can not meet people´s demand any more. In the past, security company used industrial personal computer(IPC) to manage alarm system, the system was fragile, IPC tend to be out of order from time to time. The buyer have to call the supplier again and again, however, the supplier can´t maintain the whole system remotely by computer, the engineer have to take several days to repair the whole system by himself. By far, most of CMS system suppliers still use IPC with standalone version, these CMS systems are suitable to Local area network(LAN), they are out of date. They get disadvantages as follows:

1. It can not be managed, maintained or updated remotely

2. It can´t set up Sub-CMS

3. Unstable performance, poor efficiency.

4. Resource utilization is low.

5. It can extend its business to new area, new service.

6. The system can only provide service to limited clients, maybe just serval hundreds clients. Comparatively, the best SSG CMS can accommodate at least 0.2 million clients. Our system can upload and download video synchronously.

Three core systems of SSG CMS are as follows:

1. 9 unit professional servers for SSG CMS. For more details, please refer to the brochure

2. Core function motherboard of CMS. It is the "CPU" of SSG CMS.

In fact the main hardware of CMS consists of two parts: servers and core function motherboard. Only with these hardwares, the software can operate successfully. From the angle of technology, CMS from other companies don´t have " Professional CPU" as SSG, so it is not the real CMS, just a standalone version dial-up control processor.

3. 23 system function modules.

We tend to name software with specific function as module, some software should work with specific hardware, we also call them as module. All these module should work with SSG hardware, so that the full function can be realized. All the digital modules in SSG CMS can be activated and upgraded remotely. All products from CMS to terminal products are developed by SSG, so the intellectual property belongs to SSG 100%. There is no doubt that the compatibility, performance stability, comparatively, is terrific.

Introduction about 23 CMS function modules (software+hardware):

Operating environment/system: SSG CMS is developed under the system of WINDOWS 2003, it is compatible with WINDOWS 7 completely.

One. SSG Core function module

Two. TTS module

Three. Network SMS/MMS module


Five. Video Transceiver module

Six. Self-checking/DTMF Code Resolution Module

Seven. Heart Beat Inspection Module (The Code is transmitted by network)

Eight. TCP/IP Network Transmission Management Module

Nine. Patrol management module

Ten. Video management module

Eleven. Storage and control module of real-time video

Twelve. Control module for power supply protection (Work with the Power Source from SSG)

Thirteen. Software matrix management module

Forteen. NVR application module (network-specific memory module)

Fifteen. SDK interface module

Sixteen. GPS module

Seventeen. API interface module

Eighteen. 3G module (EVDO, TD-SCDMA, W-CDMA CS, PS)

Nineteen. Charge docking module

Twenty. FTP maps and Google Map access module

Twenty One. Automatic and synchronous back-up date module

Twenty two. Digital Signaling Moduel

Twenty three. Video Modules



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